• 社交类VR游戏中用户对不可能空间的感知研究

    The House of the Impossible Gables: Navigation and Perception in an Online Architectural Exhibition of Physically Impossible Spaces in Social VR

    Partners: Jingfei Huang, Yan Zhang, Jingyi Ge


    Social Virtual Reality (VR) serves to provide experiences transcending everyday interactions, allowing audiences to have avatars or visitor experiences beyond real life. As virtualization becomes more accepted in social interaction, it becomes crucial to design virtual spaces with increasingly divergent properties from physical reality and study how it affects human perception and behavior. We designed VRChat spaces that subvert users' expectations of typical interior VRChat environments including features of antigravity objects, teleporting doors, impossible materials, reverse views, and deprived sense. We studied how visitors explored "impossible" spaces individually and in exhibitions. We identified task-oriented or exploration-driven movement patterns during the test. Deviations in their marked locations and sizes from actual ones suggest visual factors like materiality impact spatial judgment. The design of spaces that go beyond physical reality activates human imaginings of what is possible in virtual environments, providing strategies for designing imagined scenarios in game and art exhibition contexts.

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  • Soundscape Incubator

    Partners: Junjia Yu, Jiajing Gao, Suyang Meng, Xinyu Wu

    We conduct VR experiments to assess how thesoundscape will affect the level of human creativity. We've noticed different environments can spark creativity differently: some people need quiet isolation, while others prefer more human interaction or music. We aim to find valuable insights to make virtual reality more helpful for people doing creative work. The experiment setting is based on the two typical soundscape: the nature(seashore) and the urban(market), with the controllable indoor variation(music), and the physiological and subjective datas are collected to explore the mechnism under the phenomena.