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    侯誉明毕业于同济大学建筑学专业,于2024年获得建筑学硕士学位,她同时也是西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学当代建筑方向的硕士毕业生。她于2021年以同济大学优秀毕业生的身份毕业于同济大学建筑学院的风景园林专业,在求学期间,她也曾在上海本地的精品建筑工作室博风建筑,以及建筑外企SOM和德国盖博建筑设计公司(Gerber Architekten)担任过建筑设计实习生。她的研究论文曾于世界建筑师大会(UIA)、亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计大会(CAADRIA)及国际城市空间研讨会(ISUF)宣读,此外,她对计算性设计(Computation Design)和虚拟现实(VR)中的空间研究亦有涉猎。


    Yuming Hou is a Master of Architecture both in Barcelona School of Architecture, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and Tongji University. She completed her undergraduate study major in landscape architecture at Tongji University as outstanding graduate. Between her studies, she worked for both international architecture company and indigenous architecture atelier, also worked as a level designer in Tencent. Her research interests lie in renovation design for the historical public architecture, architecture as activators of public space, as well as computer-aided architecture design and game design. Her papers are presented in the International Union of Architects (UIA) 2023 Copenhagen World Congress, the 30th International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) and Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) Conference 2023. She is also interested in the relationship between theory and design, in other words, how theory or research can make design better.

    In addition to her professional learning experience in architectural design, Yuming has also delved into game design and UX design. At present, she works as a UX Designer in Ubisoft Shanghai. Besides, she once worked as a level designer at Timi Studio, Tencent. Also, she completed the development of a mobile game as a project manager, lead game designer, and scene art.

  • 建筑设计



    Not only the quality of material space, but also the reshaping of relationships between people, people and cities, and people and nature through material space.

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  • 电子游戏

    Video Game



  • 计算性设计

    Computational Design

    技术包含:AI图像识别(迁移学习)+ AI专家系统(GH模拟)+ RPA制图(GH诺亚五代智能立面生形框架)

  • 虚拟现实



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    Shanghai, China